10 Questions with Senior Director of MRO Development

flyExclusive is proud to employ an incredible staff of experienced members at every level. With the addition of Lisa Christine, our MRO team is looking forward to the future of the private jet industry.

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The aviation industry has captured the hearts of many worldwide. The love of traveling and the feeling of being in the sky is one that is hard to replicate. However, though aviation pushes through the boundaries of what is possible, there is one boundary that it still hasn’t completely broken; gender. Throughout the world, the aviation industry is heavily male-centric, with positions such as aerospace mechanics consisting of approximate 80% male. These staggering statistics make the hiring of Lisa Christine as flyExclusive’s Senior Director of MRO Development & Initiatives that much more important to the private jet industry.

Lisa Christine, Senior Director of MRO Development & Initiatives at flyExclusive

Lisa Christine is a seasoned aviation professional with experience spanning the industry, from continuous improvement and project management to business development and operations for MRO organizations. A graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, she has dedicated her career to empowering women to seek careers in aviation while creating pathways for youth through education in the aviation and aerospace industry. At flyExclusive she will spearhead and identify key projects that align with the company’s strategic goals and objectives within the MRO business, including development around long-range planning, initiatives, production efficiencies, employee relations, succession planning and contract oversight. To read the entire press release upon her hiring, visit the flyExclusive Newsroom.

Personal Questions

Why Pursue a Career in The Aviation Industry?

You hear the phrase skies the limit, and it couldn't be more accurate. Aviation has many pathways and outcomes for your career, with quite the portfolio of opportunities. It is a sustainable, innovative industry that will only continue to produce change and excitement. I have spearheaded aviation maintenance, operations, CI initiatives, with a complete change in dynamic to running projects for major motion pictures, commercials, and interviews for magazines, national television, and radio, all because of my aviation knowledge. Choosing this industry is my passion and to be a part of such a rewarding community of aviators is really special.

Who Were Your Role Models Growing Up?

My role models are quite the list! I was always fascinated by female trailblazers like Emma Todd, aviation designer and inventor. Katherine Wright, the support behind the Wright brothers. Phoebe Omli, the first female aviation mechanic, Eileen Collins of NASA. However, my role models are also pieces of the people throughout my life that have introduced me to aviation and guided my professional career. My grandfather took me on my first private and commercial flights as a kid, watching my uncle's military aviation adventures and cool projects like Top Gun. To my best friend, Sarah, who helped me get my first role in an MRO, all things women empowerment and support working in male-dominated industries. Most of all, those current leaders in our industry have shown and guided me to what true leadership means and live by the example.

If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Women Wanting to be in The Aviation Industry, What Would it Be?

Lead with credibility and kindness, and most of all, stay humble. Do not limit your capabilities to perceptions of gender roles. Strive to learn and be the subject matter expert in your industry's technical, functional, and operational aspects. Never forget to open the door and empower other women around you to be successful. The cultural shift in diversity for some industries is not without its challenges; it is essential to align yourself with individuals and organizations who support your achievements and professional goals.

What Did Being in The Aviation Industry During The Pandemic Teach You?

This experience was up close and personal for me, being a part of grounding hundreds of aircraft and building up an infrastructure to support that particular operation before coming to flyExclusive. It was really tough to watch the aviation community, and anyone in the workforce for that matter, go through this experience amid the world trying to heal and sustain to have the workforce impacted so horribly. Even though you benefit from short-term preservation programs to manage their fleets, it was not something you welcomed.

Even amid the pandemic, there is an entirely new playing field in private jet aviation for luxury travel. Luxury travel increased as commercial flights were under restrictions. You have all the flexibility and control in flights that make it an ideal source of flight for passengers.

What Are Your Aspirations For Yourself? For flyExclusive?

The aspirations for myself and for flyExclusive are definitely kindred spirits. My goals for myself are to represent females in leadership within an MRO and create positive change. I joined flyExclusive to bring my knowledge of the 145 and build an unbeatable enterprise with an incredible vision our owner, Jim Segrave, has for the future. I have dedicated my life, education, and career goals to this industry. It is a part of who I am and what I am passionate about. So, my aspiration for myself is the success of what flyExclusive is and will be. What an incredible honor it is to drive this initiative for women in aviation and join flyExclusive at such a time of innovation and growth.

Private Aviation Questions

What Do You See For The Future of Luxury in The Private Jet Industry?

It will only continue to grow. The comfort, convenience, and savings on your time are only a few luxury travel benefits. Trends will continue as numbers rise in the years to come with new deliveries and clients joining memberships like our private Jet Club and external clients choosing our MRO as their provider. Travelers will always be in the pursuit of that reliability and guarantee that you do not get with commercial travel.

If You Could Design Your Perfect Jet, What Would it Be?

Ha-ha, how much time do we have? An A320 NEO refurbished into a business jet or a Gulfstream G650ER. With premium private jet interior, full leather, even the crew seats, matte finish with brass nickel plating. The best interior and avionics systems give me minimal downtime. What a dream if it were supersonic and completely sustainable.

During Your Time Here at flyExclusive, What is Your Favorite Build or Rebuild You Have Seen?

Outside of the MRO development, hands down, the installations of the G5000 avionics systems. What a time to be a skilled technician and be a part of installing the most advanced avionics system in the world. To see the intricacy of the project in person is just incredible. The opportunities and training available here are just a piece of the on-going efforts of innovation and ways to uplevel yourself and your capabilities. The new hangar facilities we are building, that fresh hangar smell, and the vision of future production expansion in reach are always exciting.

MRO Questions

You Mentioned Employee Relations Being a Major Part of Your Plan For The MRO Facility. What in Particular Are You Looking Forward to Implementing to Build Those Relations?

Yes, employee relations are everything in the MRO. Our people are so valued and are integral to our success as a team and the quality of our aircraft. There are not enough words to express how much I really appreciate them. As leaders, we have the experience to guide progression, change, and be the support system, but our people are indeed the heart and soul of the operation. For the MRO, the initiatives bring in strategic goals and ambitions that keep happy, healthy, long-term employees. We want to focus on programs that promote training and development, satisfaction in the workplace, and a safe space for all to communicate and be themselves. All our company values embody this, and we will continue to work hard to bring that to the table. I am most looking forward to seeing all the positive change in our people and seeing them thrive as we continue to bring impact to not only the industry but also our community.

What is an Unknown Benefit of Having an In-house MRO Facility?

The significant players benefiting our clients from having an in-house MRO focus on cost reduction, dedicated staffing, technical skillsets, productivity, performance, and ease of mind in demand to meet effectiveness. We can have the needed oversight and control over production and give our customers transparency. Highlighting the vetted years of experience our expert technicians in paint, private jet interiors, and aviation maintenance have in their expertise. Our employees are long-term and choose us at flyExclusive to be their forever aviation home, reflecting the quality of work put into production.

What Makes the flyExclusive MRO Facility Different Than Others You’ve been a Part Of?

On the outside, certainly the all-inclusive attributes. We are not just a 135 but also a 145 with all its in-house capabilities that are own operating fleet and external clients benefit from. It is the best of both worlds for my career journey from an operational standpoint. On the inside, the focus is on company culture and values. Anyone in our industry knows the business can be demanding, fast-paced, and consistently innovating. When you grow successfully like we are, I really appreciate the attention and focus on people. Companies must take the time to create change, improve the work environment, and connect with their people with transparency. In addition, taking the time to educate and inform all levels on our goals companywide.

Lisa Christine of flyExclusive Private Jet Club

flyExclusive is proud to employ an incredible staff of experienced members at every level. With the addition of Lisa Christine, our MRO team is looking forward to the future of the private jet industry. Her vision for our ever-growing team and bringing employee relations to the forefront of our processes is set to become the standard in today’s aviation industry. To learn more about Lisa and our team visit our website at www.flyexclusive.com.

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